What are the Best Tequila Infusions?

Tequila enthusiasts and cocktail aficionados are constantly seeking new ways to elevate their tequila experience. One of the most exciting and innovative trends in the world of tequila is infused tequila - a process that introduces unique flavors and aromas into this beloved spirit. Let’s explore how each ingredient - strawberry, pineapple, churro, and jalapeño - infuses its distinctive characteristics into the tequila, and the delightful taste sensations they offer.

Strawberry-Infused Tequila: A Sweet and Fruity Symphony

When fresh, juicy strawberries meet tequila, a sweet and fruity symphony ensues. The sweetness of ripe strawberries melds gracefully with the earthy agave notes of tequila, creating an infusion that's as refreshing as it is luscious. The natural sugars from the strawberries impart a delightful sweetness, making this infusion perfect for those who appreciate a hint of natural fruitiness in their tequila. 

Pineapple-Infused Tequila: A Tropical Paradise in a Glass

Pineapple-infused tequila brings a tropical paradise directly to your glass. The vibrant and tangy essence of pineapple merges seamlessly with the smooth tequila base, transporting your taste buds to sun-soaked beaches with every sip. This infusion exudes a playful and exotic flair that adds a delightful twist to classic cocktails like margaritas or piña coladas. Pineapple-infused tequila embodies the spirit of vacation, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a taste of paradise right at home.

Churro-Infused Tequila: A Carnival of Sweetness and Spice

Imagine the comforting aroma of freshly baked churros mingling with the warmth of tequila - that's what churro-infused tequila offers. The infusion captures the essence of the beloved cinnamon and sugary treat, transforming the tequila into a delightful carnival of sweetness and spice. Churro-infused tequila is perfect for those who want to explore the sweeter side of this versatile spirit.

Jalapeño-Infused Tequila: A Fiery Fiesta for the Palate

For those who crave a fiery kick, jalapeño-infused tequila delivers a fiesta for the palate. The bold and spicy character of jalapeños infuses into the tequila, creating an infusion that packs a punch. This infusion opens up a world of exciting cocktail possibilities, whether adding a bold twist to classic margaritas or crafting innovative tequila-based concoctions with a fiery edge. Jalapeño-infused tequila is not for the faint of heart but rather for those who seek an adventure in every sip.

Infused tequila offers a captivating journey into a world of diverse flavors and tastes. By individually infusing tequila with strawberry, pineapple, churro, and jalapeño, enthusiasts can unlock unique and delightful taste sensations that cater to their preferences. Whether you prefer the sweetness of strawberries, the tropical vibes of pineapples, the comforting flavors of churros, or the fiery excitement of jalapeños, each infusion adds a distinct personality to tequila. 

Tequila Infused Flavors: To-Go!

If you can’t be here in Downtown Houston with us at El Big Bad, get your drinks to go! We offer 2 options for take home:

  • 200 Ml. - Our 200 ml is a perfect take home to enjoy.

  • 1 Liter - Most bottles are 750 ml. that you normally get. Ours is 33% bigger than a standard bottle of tequila.

Click on the buttons below to purchase your favorite flavor!

We can do to go drinks including our bottles of pre-made Infused tequilas. These products are available for carry-out, pick-up, and delivery (coming soon)!